1976[笑窗之屋]La casa dalle finestre che ridono[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2023-06-16 / 发布时间:2016-06-11


【主演】: 里诺·卡波利奇奥/Francesca Marciano/Gianni Cavina
【标签】: 悬疑/惊悚/恐怖
【上映时间】: 1976-08-16
【片长】: 110
【原名】:La casa dalle finestre che ridono
【又名】:The House with Laughing Windows
【评分】:豆瓣:6.4 ,IMDB:7.1
【IMDb链接】: tt0074287
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部笑窗之屋悬疑/惊悚/恐怖片中,修复者斯特凡诺受雇于费拉拉附近一个小村庄的市长索尔米,在当地教堂修复一幅由精神失常的画家布诺·莱格纳尼(Buono Legnani)创作的圣塞巴斯蒂安(St.Sebastian)画作。斯特凡诺是由他的朋友安东尼奥·马扎博士推荐的,他得知莱格纳尼被称为“痛苦的画家”,因为他曾经画过濒死的人。此外,很多年前他被认为已经死亡,但他的尸体一直没有被发现。斯特凡诺在教堂工作,在那里他遇到了古怪的利迪奥,他与当地一位即将离开村庄的性感教师发生了一夜情。与此同时,安东尼奥调查了布诺·莱格纳尼的生活,并告诉斯特凡诺,他发现了一个关于画家和村民的秘密。然而,安东尼奥在见到斯特凡诺之前就死了,警方断定他是自杀的。斯特凡诺对莱格纳尼的神秘感很感兴趣,决定进一步调查这位疯狂的画家。然而,他被逐出了酒店房间...

The restorer Stefano is hired by the Mayor Solmi of a small village nearby Ferrara to restore a painting of St. Sebastian, made by the mentally disturbed painter Buono Legnani in the local church. Stefano was recommended by his friend, Dr. Antonio Mazza, and he learns that Legnani was known as "The Painter of the Agony", since he used to paint near-death people. Further, he was presumed dead many years ago but his body has never been found. Stefano works in the church, where he meets the weirdo Lidio, and he has one night stand with the local nymphomaniac teacher that is leaving the village. Meanwhile Antonio investigates the life of Buono Legnani and tells Stefano that he had found a dark secret about the painter and the villagers. However, Antonio dies before meeting Stefano and the police conclude that he committed suicide. Stefano is intrigued by the mystery surrounds Legnani and decides to investigate more about the deranged painter. However, he in evicted of his hotel room and Lidio brings him to the isolated house of a paraplegic woman where he lives. Meanwhile, he meets the teacher's substitute Francesca and they have a love affair. Francesca moves to Stefano's room and they are affected by the strange atmosphere of the place. When the restoration is damaged by acid, Stefano decides to leave the village with Francesca. However, he meets the alcoholic driver Coppola that decides to disclose to him the secret of the house of the laughing windows. But now it seems to be too late to move out of the mysterious village.

一种很奇妙的观影体验。恐怖王朝獨家榮譽出品 中文字幕版下載。


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